Tag: software

Global Mobile


So a lot of websites have started using a pinterest-style grid layout, where there are multiple columns, each with a long list of headlines, all screaming for attention at the same time. It kind of drives me crazy. So I made a chrome extension to always display the mobile version of a page. Most of these sites actually look really nice on a phone. There’s just a single column of content, which is easy to scroll through without losing your sanity. But it can be unpleasant to read everything on a phone. So my extension displays the pages as if they’re on a mobile device, on your normal screen.

Try it out: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/global-mobile/jnphbfhmpdmdhbnjheabpmkmpeeheofp

The code: https://github.com/jkoomjian/GlobalMobile

Online Weighted Decision Matrix

Online Weighted Decision Matrix 2014-06-17 17-54-08

So my friend Choed showed me a technique for making big decisions called a decision matrix. The idea is that is that you list the possible outcomes of a decision and the factors that would influence your choice, and then calculate a score for each outcome.  The full rules are here: leanhrblog.com/weighted-decision-matrix/  As someone who’s kind of indecisive, I thought this was pretty useful. As someone who’s a huge procrastinator, I thought I should make an online app to automate the process before making my decisions 🙂  The result is here: jonathankoomjian.com/projects/DecisionMatrix/.

I tried to make my app look like the original decision matrix – a sheet of graph paper with a bunch of nicely drawn lines. The javascript is done with angular, and is connected to a mongodb db hosted by mongolab.com. I also tried out a bunch of new html5 features I’ve never used before, like border image, border-box sizing, and html form validation. The app works best in Firefox. Chrome doesn’t handle the drag and drop properly, but otherwise works. IE, as usual, has some issues.

The work in progress is always saved. Each decision matrix page is assigned a unique url.  Remember that url. When you load that url, your work will appear, just as you last left it.

My Email Response Rate

My Email Response Rate 2014-06-13 18-31-53

Google used to have a great feature where they would send you an email at the end of every month summarizing the activity on your gmail account. Mostly it showed the number of emails you received and responded to over the course of the month. Both Cassie and I find writing emails to be a chore (along with the rest of the world), so we would compete to see who would send the most emails in the month. Just as our competition got going, Google killed off the service 🙁

So I wrote a script to compile all the data Google used to send us.  But then I got a bit carried away and started including all sorts of other useful information, like how fast you respond to emails, how fast your friends respond to you.  Also I read somewhere that we respond fastest to our friends, and slowest to people we don’t like. So I made a chart of response time by recipient.

The code connects to Gmail via IMAP, and then creates a webpage with a bunch of pretty charts showing how you use Gmail. You can find the source, and instructions for using the project here: github.com/jkoomjian/MyEmailResponseRate.


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